侯爵令嬢の破滅実況 破滅を予言された悪役令嬢だけど、リスナーがいるので幸せです
別名: 侯爵令嬢の破滅実況 破滅を予言された悪役令嬢だけど、リスナーがいるので幸せです, Koshaku Reijo No Hametsu Jikkyo Hametsu Wo Yogen Sareta Akuyaku Reijodakedo, Listener Ga Irunode Shiawasedesu, The Marquis' Daughter’s Doom Live Stream I'm a Villainess Predicted for Ruin, but I'm Happy Because I Have Listeners, Koushaku Reijou No Hametsu Jikkyou Hametsu Wo Yogen Sareta Akuyaku Reijou Dakedo, Listener Ga Iru Node Shiawase Desu
One day, Cassandra, a villainess in an otome game, suddenly finds herself live-streamed 24/7 in a modern-world broadcast! As she watches the comment section flow with spoilers about her inevitable downfall, Cassandra makes a bold decision—team up with her viewers to rewrite her fate! With real-time advice from an audience watching her every move, can Cassandra outsmart fate and survive in this ruthless game world?